
看了一下GitLab的安装方法,就被打败了,后来发现了一个官方推荐的方法GitLab packages (beta) These packages contain GitLab and all its depencies (PostgreSQL 香港云主机, Redis, Nginx, Unicorn, etc.). They are made with omnibus-gitlab that also contains the installation instructions. These packages currently support a reduced selection of GitLab’s normal features. For instance, it is not yet possible to create/restore application backups or to use HTTPS.GitLab virtual machine images contain an operating system and a preinstalled GitLab. They are made with GitLab Packer that also contains the installation instructions.如果是Ubuntu的话,仅需要安装一个package就可以了:如果需要改变GitLab的port,编辑:/var/opt/gitlab/nginx/etc中的listen即可。初始密码在这里找到After the steps below your GitLab instance should reachable over HTTP, and have an admin user with username root and password 5iveL!fe.感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“GitLab的详细安装教程”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对GitLab的详细安装教程这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是开发云,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!

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