
因客户有一台H3CWA4320X无线AP是有胖、瘦切换的功能,但在出厂时默认为瘦模式,无线AP上并没有两种模式的切换开关,打电话给厂家说是刷新固件才能支持为胖模式。于是我使用串口线连接AP上的console口进行调试。 1、查看一下无线AP当前的配置,发现无IP地址:[WA4320X]dis cur#version 5.20, Release 1508P11#sysname WA4320X#telnet server enable#password-recovery enable#vlan 1#interface NULL0#interface Vlan-interface1#interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1#interface WLAN-Radio1/0/1#interface WLAN-Radio1/0/2 2、手动添加IP地址为192.168.0.50,为传输文件做准备[WA4320X]int vlan 1[WA4320X-Vlan-interface1]ip address 24[WA4320X-Vlan-interface1]qu 3、在电脑上打开3CD服务器: 4、设备好本机的IP地址和无线AP同一网段,使用网线连接APGE1 5、删除AP上的瘦版本delete /unreserved wa4300_fit.bin The contents cannot be restored!!! Delete flash:/wa4300_fit.bin?[Y/N]:yDeleting a file permanently will take a long time. Please wait…%Apr 26 12:03:25:284 2000 WA4320X WMSH/6/WMESH_EXIT_ZERO_CFG_STATE: The device has exited zero configuration state.%Del免费云主机域名ete file flash:/wa4300_fit.bin…Done. 6、把要刷新的固件文件改名为wa4300_fat.bin,并放到3CDaemon目录下 7、把胖版本传到AP上,并用它dir查看版本已经在AP上:tftp get wa4300_fat.binFile will be transferred in binary mode Downloading file from remote TFTP server, please wait…%Apr 26 12:06:30:290 2000 WA4320X WMSH/6/WMESH_ENTER_ZERO_CFG_STATE: The device has entered zero configuration state./TFTP: 11062272 bytes received in 35 second(s) File downloaded successfully. dir /allDirectory of flash:/ 0 -rw- 11062272 Apr 26 2000 12:07:03 wa4300_fat.bin130688 KB total (118730 KB free) 8、设置下次启动文件,:boot-loader file flash:/wa4300_fat.bin %Apr 26 12:07:55:424 2000 WA4320X WMSH/6/WMESH_EXIT_ZERO_CFG_STATE: The device has exited zero configuration state. Verifying boot file ……%Apr 26 12:08:00:868 2000 WA4320X WMSH/6/WMESH_ENTER_ZERO_CFG_STATE: The device has entered zero configuration state. This command will set the boot file. Continue? [Y/N]:Before pressing ENTER you must choose ‘YES’ or ‘NO'[Y/N]:Before pressing ENTER you must choose ‘YES’ or ‘NO'[Y/N]:Before pressing ENTER you must choose ‘YES’ or ‘NO'[Y/N]:y The specified file will be used as the boot file at the next reboot on slot 1! 9、使用reboot重启设备,web页面登陆http://,可以登陆表示胖模式刷新成功。

相关推荐: backtrack5-GNOME 汉化

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