
这篇文章主要介绍“Oracle自动锁住不经常使用的用户指的是什么”的相关知识,小编通过实际案例向大家展示操作过程,操作方法简单快捷,实用性强,希望这篇“Oracle自动锁住不经常使用的用户指的是什么”文章能帮助大家解决问题。Starting with this release, you can configure user accounts to automatically lock if they have been inactive over a period of time.The CREATE USER and ALTER USER SQL statements enable you to set a new profile parameter, INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME, which enables you to automatically lock inactive accounts.从12.2开始,Oracle会自动将不活跃(超过一定时间没有操作)的用户锁住。该时间是通过参数INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME来设置的。该参免费云主机域名数单位:天。表示从该用户上次成功登陆开始计算,如果超过参数设定的天数,那么Oracle会自动锁住该用户。
该参数默认是UNLIMITED,需要手动开启。关于该参数的更多说明:INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME默认值是UNLIMITED,也就是不启用自动锁用户.参数值是15到24855之间.如果不想自动锁用户,则需要把 INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME参数值设置为UNLIMITED.想将该参数时间设置为默认PROFILE中指定的参数值,可设置 INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME 参数值为 DEFAULT.You can set this parameter for all database authenticated users, including administrative users, but not for external or global authenticated users.In a read-only database, the last successful login is not considered in the INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME timing. It is not possible to lock a user account in a read-only database (except by performing consecutive failed logins equal in number to the account’s FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS password profile setting).For a newly created user account, the timing begins at account creation time. When this user logs out and then logs again, the timing starts when the user successfully logs in.In a multitenant environment, the INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME setting applies to the last time a common user logs in to the root. A common user is considered active if this user logs in to any of the PDBs or the root.For a proxy user account login, the INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME begins the timing when the proxy user logs in successfully.关于“Oracle自动锁住不经常使用的用户指的是什么”的内容就介绍到这里了,感谢大家的阅读。如果想了解更多行业相关的知识,可以关注百云行业资讯频道,小编每天都会为大家更新不同的知识点。

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