Application of drum screen in sand washing plant

What is trommel screen.
The trommel screen separator is a 香港云主机n indispensable screening equipment for many sand washing plants. It can separate larger stones, impurities and sand, making the sand more efficient when it enters the sand washing machine.
Mining trommel screen is screening equipment developed for power plants, coking plants, building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry, mining, and other industries with large processing capacity, high screening efficiency and no plugging. Trommel screen overcomes the circular vibrating screen. And the linear vibrating screen has the problem of screen blockage when screening wet materials, which improves the output and reliability of the screening system.
Mine drum screen working principleWorking principle

After the broken stone enters the drum, the material is sieved by the centrifugal force of the rotation of the drum and the elimination effect. The stone with large grain size flows forward along with the inclination of the drum and is gradually screened out through the screen of different meshes, and the granularity is not large. After the stone material is sieved out, it falls into the respective funnels. The materials are screened out one by one through different mesh screens and then dropped into the belt conveyor through the funnel and sent to the finished material yard.

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